Обсуждение: Bug #457: foreign keys are broken


Bug #457: foreign keys are broken

Robert Forsman (thoth@incanta.net) reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
foreign keys are broken

Long Description
I'm performing a transaction that has temporary violations of a referential integrity constraint which are repaired
laterin the transaction.  However, I still get a constraint failure when I set constraints all immediate, even thought
thetables have been adjusted to a consistent state. 

  The following code snippet demonstrates the malfunction in postgres 7.1.3 :

Sample Code
create table x(foo int primary key); create table y(foo int references x deferrable);

begin; set constraints all deferred; insert into y values(2); insert into x values(2); set constraints all immediate;

begin; set constraints all deferred; delete from x; delete from y; insert into y values(2); insert into x values(2);
select* from x; select * from y;set constraints all immediate; 

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