Обсуждение: Bug #536: the sql 'except' generates erroneous result


Bug #536: the sql 'except' generates erroneous result

luby liao (liao@sandiego.edu) reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
the sql 'except' generates erroneous result

Long Description
A student of mine, Sean Canaday, worked on prob 6.17 of M Kifer's
Dabatabase book (AW, p175):

6.17 Consider the following schema:

Transcript(StudId, CrsCode, Semester, Grade)
Teaching(ProfId, CrsCode, Semester)
Professor(ProfId, ProfName, Dept)

Write the following query in SQL: Find all student Ids who had taken a
course from each professor in the MUS department .

His solution is:

select distinct t.studid from stranscript t where not exists(
(select p.id from s_professor p where p.deptid = 'MUS')
(select  te.profid from s_teaching te, stranscript t1 where
t1.crscode=te.crscode and t1.semester = te.sem and t1.studid=t.studid))

This generates incorrect result in postgres (7.1.2 on RedHat Linux
7.0), but correct result in oracle when tested against the following data.  Specifically, the query returned empty set
inpostgres, but the student with id 100 in oracle. 

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  phpPgAdmin 2.3 DB Dump
  Host: localhost:5432
  Database : cs145
  Table structure for table "s_professor"
  2001-11-12 14:12:17
-------------------------------------------------------- */

CREATE TABLE "s_professor" (
   "id" int4,
   "name" varchar(20),
   "deptid" varchar(10),
   "age" int4,
   "salary" int4

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  Dumping data for table "s_professor"
-------------------------------------------------------- */
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(1, 'Luby Liao', 'CS', 50, 50000);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(2, 'Adrian Jones', 'MGT', 23, 40000);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(3, 'David Jones', 'EE', 45, 88888);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(4, 'Qi Chen', 'MAT', 99, 838888);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(5, 'Mary Doe', 'CS', 10, 83);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(6, 'as hole', 'PSY', 58, 99999);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(7, 'Dr. Glick', 'CS', 39, 110000);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(8, 'Other Person', 'MAT', 30, 110);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(9, 'musteacher 1', 'MUS', 49, 10000);
INSERT INTO "s_professor" ("id", "name", "deptid", "age", "salary") VALUES(10, 'musteacher 2', 'MUS', 50, 10001);

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  phpPgAdmin 2.3 DB Dump
  Host: localhost:5432
  Database : cs145
  Table structure for table "s_student"
  2001-11-12 14:12:17
-------------------------------------------------------- */

CREATE TABLE "s_student" (
   "st_id" int2 NOT NULL,
   "last" varchar(20),
   "first" varchar(20),
   "age" int4,
   CONSTRAINT "s_student_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("st_id")

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  Dumping data for table "s_student"
-------------------------------------------------------- */
INSERT INTO "s_student" ("st_id", "last", "first", "age") VALUES(100, 'Canaday', 'Sean', 21);
INSERT INTO "s_student" ("st_id", "last", "first", "age") VALUES(101, 'Mex', 'Ori', 28);
INSERT INTO "s_student" ("st_id", "last", "first", "age") VALUES(102, 'G', 'Rahul', 10);
INSERT INTO "s_student" ("st_id", "last", "first", "age") VALUES(103, 'Important', 'Not', 21);
INSERT INTO "s_student" ("st_id", "last", "first", "age") VALUES(104, 'Dover', 'Ben', 10);
INSERT INTO "s_student" ("st_id", "last", "first", "age") VALUES(106, 'Hugankis', 'Amanda', 21);

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  phpPgAdmin 2.3 DB Dump
  Host: localhost:5432
  Database : cs145
  Table structure for table "s_teaching"
  2001-11-12 14:12:15
-------------------------------------------------------- */

CREATE TABLE "s_teaching" (
   "profid" int4,
   "crscode" varchar(10),
   "sem" varchar(6)

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  Dumping data for table "s_teaching"
-------------------------------------------------------- */
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(7, 'mat123', 'F1997');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(8, 'mat123', 'S1997');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(2, 'mat123', 'F1998');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(5, 'mat123', 'S1998');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(1, 'mat123', 'F1997');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(9, 'mus1', 'F1998');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(10, 'mus1', 'S1998');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(9, 'mus2', 'F1998');
INSERT INTO "s_teaching" ("profid", "crscode", "sem") VALUES(10, 'mus2', 'S1998');

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  phpPgAdmin 2.3 DB Dump
  Host: localhost:5432
  Database : cs145
  Table structure for table "stranscript"
  2001-11-12 14:12:16
-------------------------------------------------------- */

CREATE TABLE "stranscript" (
   "studid" int4,
   "crscode" varchar(20),
   "semester" varchar(20),
   "grade" varchar(20)

/* --------------------------------------------------------
  Dumping data for table "stranscript"
-------------------------------------------------------- */
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(100, 'cs123', 'F1999', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(100, 'cs51', 'F1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(100, 'cs50', 'S1997', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(100, 'cs52', 'S1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(101, 'cs1476', 'S1999', 'D');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(102, 'cs146', 'S1999', 'F');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(103, 'cs145', 'S1999', 'F');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(101, 'cs145', 's1999', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(101, 'cs52', 'S1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(101, 'cs305', 'F1997', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(102, 'cs305', 'F1997', 'C');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(103, 'cs305', 'F1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(103, 'mat123', 'F1998', 'C');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(102, 'mat123', 'F1998', 'C');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(104, 'cs6', 'F1999', 'F');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(100, 'mat123', 'S1998', 'B');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(104, 'mat123', 'S1998', 'B');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(104, 'cs305', 'S1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(100, 'mus1', 'F1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(100, 'mus2', 'S1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(101, 'mus2', 'S1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(103, 'mus1', 'F1998', 'A');
INSERT INTO "stranscript" ("studid", "crscode", "semester", "grade") VALUES(104, 'mus2', 'S1998', 'A');

Sample Code

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Re: Bug #536: the sql 'except' generates erroneous result

Tom Lane
pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org writes:
> the sql 'except' generates erroneous result

Yeah, anything with nested intersect/except is likely to give the wrong
answers in 7.1.* :-(.  This seems to be a variant of that problem.
In 7.2beta I get the expected answer:

regression=# select distinct t.studid from stranscript t where not exists(
regression(# (select p.id from s_professor p where p.deptid = 'MUS')
regression(# except
regression(# (select  te.profid from s_teaching te, stranscript t1 where
regression(# t1.crscode=te.crscode and t1.semester = te.sem and t1.studid=t.studid));
(1 row)


            regards, tom lane