Обсуждение: postmaster problem....


postmaster problem....

I'm using postgres as an backend with java servlet/jsp using linux as
operating system but when i see the see the CPU process using TOP command
than what i found that postmaster is using 97% of CPU which raise my system
speed very slow. so could u pls help me to sort out my problem that how can i
reduce the postmaster percentage.

Nitesh Jain

Re: postmaster problem....

Hi Nitesh,

You need to tune your PostgreSQL system to more efficiently allocate memory
buffers, etc.

http://techdocs.postgresql.org has pointer and documents on how to do this.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

On Thursday 28 February 2002 17:25, Nitesh wrote:
> I'm using postgres as an backend with java servlet/jsp using linux as
> operating system but when i see the see the CPU process using TOP command
> than what i found that postmaster is using 97% of CPU which raise my system
> speed very slow. so could u pls help me to sort out my problem that how can
> i reduce the postmaster percentage.
> Nitesh Jain
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