Обсуждение: Bug #778: pg_dump crashes when dumping a view


Bug #778: pg_dump crashes when dumping a view

Michael Bravo (mbravo@tag-ltd.spb.ru) reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.

Short Description
pg_dump crashes when dumping a view

Long Description
pg_dump crashes when trying to dump a certain database structure.
plaform: Linux, Debian 3.0 (stable)
PostgreSQL version: 7.2.1-3 (Debian package version, that is, 3rd build)

steps to reproduce:
create an empty database foo
populate it with a db structure listed below in example code
execute 'pg_dump -v foo'
the following output appears:

pg_dump: saving database definition
pg_dump: last built-in oid is 16554
pg_dump: reading user-defined types
pg_dump: reading user-defined functions
pg_dump: reading user-defined aggregate functions
pg_dump: reading user-defined operators
pg_dump: reading user-defined tables
pg_dump: finding triggers for table element
pg_dump: finding triggers for table variant
pg_dump: finding triggers for table unit
pg_dump: finding triggers for table cost_sheet
pg_dump: finding triggers for table assembly
pg_dump: finding triggers for table assembly_body
pg_dump: finding triggers for table parent
pg_dump: finding triggers for table parent_assembly
pg_dump: finding triggers for table parent_element
pg_dump: query to obtain definition of view "parent_body_view" failed: ERROR:  phony_equal: unexpected node type 721
pg_dump: *** aborted because of error

Please do copy your messages about this bug to my e-mail - I am not currently subscribed to pgsql-bugs.

Thanks ever so much in advance

Sample Code
-- Some elements

CREATE TABLE element (
  id SERIAL,                            -- unique ID
  name text NOT NULL UNIQUE,            -- Name of Element
  deleted bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,  -- Deleted flag

  PRIMARY KEY ( id )

-- Some variants of Elements

CREATE TABLE variant (
  id SERIAL,                            -- unique ID
  name text NOT NULL UNIQUE,            -- Name of Variant
  deleted bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,  -- Deleted flag

  PRIMARY KEY ( id )
-- Some measure units

  id SERIAL,                            -- unique ID
  name text NOT NULL UNIQUE,            -- Name of Unit
  deleted bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,  -- Deleted flag

  PRIMARY KEY ( id )

-- Cost sheet \ price list
CREATE TABLE cost_sheet (
  id SERIAL,                                    -- unique ID
  element_id int4 NOT NULL,                     -- Element ref.
  variant_id int4 NOT NULL,                     -- Variant ref.
  unit_id int4 NOT NULL,                        -- Unit ref.
  cost numeric(15,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',      -- Cost of 1 Unit of Element in
  deleted bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,          -- Deleted flag

  UNIQUE ( element_id, unit_id, variant_id ),
  PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
  FOREIGN KEY ( element_id ) REFERENCES element ( id ),
  FOREIGN KEY ( variant_id ) REFERENCES variant ( id ),
  FOREIGN KEY ( unit_id ) REFERENCES unit ( id )

-- Assembly of Elements ( header )

CREATE TABLE assembly (
  id SERIAL,
  name text NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  deleted bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,

  PRIMARY KEY ( id )

-- Body of assembly

CREATE TABLE assembly_body (
  id SERIAL,
  assembly_id int4 NOT NULL,
  cs_element_id int4 NOT NULL,
  amount numeric(15,4) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
  FOREIGN KEY ( assembly_id ) REFERENCES assembly ( id ),
  FOREIGN KEY ( cs_element_id ) REFERENCES cost_sheet ( id )

-- Main relation - Parent (header)

  id SERIAL,                                    -- unique ID
  name text NOT NULL UNIQUE,                    -- Name of Parent
  deleted bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,          -- Deleted flag

  PRIMARY KEY ( id )

-- Sequence  - generate ID for body of Parent.
-- Its body contents assemblies and elements.

CREATE SEQUENCE position_id_seq;

-- Assemblies - part of parent body with names of Assembly

CREATE TABLE parent_assembly (
  pos_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('position_id_seq'),      -- unique ID
  parent_id int4 NOT NULL,                                      -- Parent ref.
  name text NOT NULL,                                           -- Name of Assem
bly (just copied here)
  amount numeric(15,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',                    -- Amount

  PRIMARY KEY ( pos_id ),
  FOREIGN KEY ( parent_id ) REFERENCES parent ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE

-- Elements - Part of parent body only with elements. Some of them maybe attache
d to header's assembly

CREATE TABLE parent_element (
  pos_id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('position_id_seq'),      -- unique ID
  parent_id int4 NOT NULL,                                      -- Parent ref.
  cs_element_id int4 NOT NULL,                                  -- Cost sheet re
  parent_assembly_id int4,                                      -- Parent Assemb
ly ref.
  amount numeric(15,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',                    -- Amount
  extra_charge_percent numeric(4,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',       -- Extra charge
in %

  PRIMARY KEY ( pos_id ),
  FOREIGN KEY ( parent_id ) REFERENCES parent ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  FOREIGN KEY ( cs_element_id ) REFERENCES cost_sheet ( id )

CREATE VIEW parent_body_view AS
    j.name as assembly_name,
    (SELECT element_id FROM cost_sheet WHERE id = j.cs_element_id) as element_id
    (SELECT name FROM element WHERE id =
        (SELECT element_id FROM cost_sheet WHERE id = j.cs_element_id)) as eleme
    (SELECT name FROM unit WHERE id =
        (SELECT unit_id FROM cost_sheet WHERE id = j.cs_element_id)) as element_
    (SELECT variant_id FROM cost_sheet WHERE id = j.cs_element_id) as variant_id
    (SELECT cost FROM cost_sheet WHERE id = j.cs_element_id) as cost,
        WHEN j.parent_assembly_id IS NULL
        THEN j.pos_id
        ELSE j.parent_assembly_id
    END AS p_id,
        WHEN j.parent_assembly_id IS NULL
        THEN 'assembly'
        ELSE 'element'
    END AS type
    (parent_assembly NATURAL FULL JOIN parent_element) j

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Re: Bug #778: pg_dump crashes when dumping a view

Tom Lane
pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org writes:
> pg_dump crashes when trying to dump a certain database structure.

Looks like this was broken by a late change in the 7.2 querytree
structure.  There is no comparable bug in 7.3devel (because that whole
piece of code got rewritten), but if you need a patch here it is.

> PostgreSQL version: 7.2.1-3 (Debian package version, that is, 3rd build)

I'd recommend updating to 7.2.2 while you're at it; this patch is
against the 7.2.2 version of ruleutils.c.

            regards, tom lane

*** src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c.orig    Sat Jun 15 14:38:10 2002
--- src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c    Fri Sep 20 17:37:07 2002
*** 1608,1613 ****
--- 1608,1624 ----
          if (!phony_equal(a->expr, b->expr, levelsup))
              return false;
          if (!phony_equal(a->result, b->result, levelsup))
+             return false;
+         return true;
+     }
+     if (IsA(expr1, NullTest))
+     {
+         NullTest   *a = (NullTest *) expr1;
+         NullTest   *b = (NullTest *) expr2;
+         if (!phony_equal(a->arg, b->arg, levelsup))
+             return false;
+         if (a->nulltesttype != b->nulltesttype)
              return false;
          return true;