Обсуждение: Re: Serialization errors on single threaded request


Re: Serialization errors on single threaded request

"Kevin Grittner"
Sorry to have left this hanging so long, but I was off sick all last week.
We started with the loglevel=3D2 option in the driver.  We ran for a few se=
conds and got about 620KB of output, including 15 of these.  I'm starting t=
o pore over them, but I'm not sure what I'm loooking for.  I've never read =
one of these puppies before.  Any documentation out there to help?  Any tip=
s?  I assume you don't want a 620KB attachment to an email to this list.
>>> Oliver Jowett <oliver@opencloud.com> 08/26/05 5:04 PM >>>
Kevin Grittner wrote:

> I'm afraid I'm not familiar with a good way to capture the stream of comm=
unications with the database server.  If you could point me in the right di=
rection, I'll give it my best shot.

tcpdump will do the trick (something like 'tcpdump -n -w
some.output.file -s 1514 -i any tcp port 5432')

Or you can pass '&loglevel=3D2' as part of the JDBC connection URL to have
the JDBC driver generate a log of all the messages it sends/receives (in
less detail than a full network-level capture would give you, though)

> I did just have a thought, though -- is there any chance that the JDBC Co=
nnection.commit is returning once the command is written to the TCP buffer,=
 and I'm getting hurt by some network latency issues

No, the JDBC driver waits for ReadyForQuery from the backend before


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