Обсуждение: BUG #2064: retrieving more the 6 columns from a table via c#


BUG #2064: retrieving more the 6 columns from a table via c#

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      2064
Logged by:          tr
Email address:      tr@privacyinside.com
PostgreSQL version: 1.2.1
Operating system:   windows
Description:        retrieving more the 6 columns from a table via c#

I'm trying to run a simple select * quary on a table which contains more
then 6 columns.
if i try this quary from the postgresql quary tool i have no problems but
when i activate this quary from C# DataAdapter.Fill
i only get the value of the first 6 columns and the others are null.

 i tried a quary with listting the columns names.
 i tried a quary with different columns order.
 the DataRow that i get as a result from the fill methode with that quary
contains the actual number of columns but all the columns from the seven'th
one has null as a value.