Обсуждение: A bug?


A bug?

"Sears, Jeremy"
Hi All,
Im not quite sure where the most appropriate place to post this question is.
I had posted it to the novice list yesterday however I think this list may
be better suited to addressing the issue. Ive copied the msg below.

I did two upgrades from 8.1.0 to 8.1.3 on two servers that are pretty much
identical (winserver 2003).

On one the install went fine. On the other, Ive lost the ability to connect
thur tcp/ip.

On the successfuly upgraded machiene (lets call it serverA, the unsuccessful
upgrade machiene we'll call serverB) I notice that in the windows services
panel, under the properties for my postgresql service, the path to
executable is as follows:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin/pg_ctl.exe runservice -N "postgreswin32"
-D "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.1/data"  -o "-i"

on server b the path is as follows:

"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\pg_ctl.exe" runservice -N "pgsql-8.1"
-D "I:\warehouse\data\"

I notice that the postmaster options arnt specified in serverb's path.

I have tried to change serverb's path to include the tcp/ip option for
postmaster. when I add -o "-i" to serverb's path, postgres will start, but I
can't login. I get the following msg at the command prompt:

>C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin>psql warehouse
>psql: FATAL:  invalid command-line arguments for server process
>HINT:  Try "postgres --help" for more information.

Can anyone tell me what is going on here? Why wont serverB's installation of
postgres accept -o "-i"?
Could this be some sort of bug? Or perhaps the solution is simple but eludes

Any suggestions would be great!



>Hi All,
>Ive run into a bit of trouble while upgrading postgresql 8.1.0 to 8.1.3 on
windows server 2003.
>The simple steps I have taken to upgrade are as follows...
>1.Downloaded the installer zip.
>2.Ran the .bat install file
>After upgrading I have lost the ability to connect to the database remotly.
I can login on the localhost without >>problems. My pg_hba.conf file hasnt
changed and indicates from what ip's the database will allow connections.
>>>>However, when I attempt to connect from a remote computer deemed as ok
in pg_hba.conf, I am refused.
>I get the follow error:
>>psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
>>        Is the server running on host "Rmt_Host" and accepting
>>        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
>The server is running on "rmt_host".
>As a side note, I have upgraded 2 other postgres 8.1.0 installs this
morning. On on my local computer (WinXP) and >also on a server simillar to
the one thats causing troubles (win server 2003). The upgrade on the other
win2003 >>>server went fine.
>Can Anybody help??
>Many Thanks