Обсуждение: BUG #5005: unique constraint considers nulls to be equal


BUG #5005: unique constraint considers nulls to be equal

"Dean Schulze"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5005
Logged by:          Dean Schulze
Email address:      dean.w.schulze@comcast.net
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.7
Operating system:   Win XP
Description:        unique constraint considers nulls to be equal

When I apply this constraint it fails because there are records that will
violate the new constraint:

ALTER TABLE table1 ADD CONSTRAINT unique_county_year_idnumber UNIQUE
(county, year, idnumber);

Some of the records it fails on have null for idnumber.  According to the
documentation section 5.3.3 nulls should not violate a unique constraint:

However, two null values are not considered equal in this comparison. That
means even in the presence of a unique constraint it is possible to store
duplicate rows that contain a null value in at least one of the constrained

Here are the duplicate records that violate this constraint:

select county, year, idnumber, count(0) from table1 group by county, year,
idnumber having (count(0) > 1) order by county, count(0);


Re: BUG #5005: unique constraint considers nulls to be equal

Alvaro Herrera
Dean Schulze wrote:

> Here are the duplicate records that violate this constraint:
> select county, year, idnumber, count(0) from table1 group by county, year,
> idnumber having (count(0) > 1) order by county, count(0);
> "county","year","idnumber","count"
> "AD",2009,"A57504",2
> "AD",2009,"A58395",2
> "AD",2009,"A58286",2
> "AD",2009,"A58299",2
> "AD",2009,"",5

What you have here seems to be an empty string, which is not the same as
a NULL value.  True NULLs behave as expected.

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support