Обсуждение: BUG #5594: Nested views working on same set of data on 8.1.21 but not on 8.4.4


BUG #5594: Nested views working on same set of data on 8.1.21 but not on 8.4.4

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5594
Logged by:          Fathi
Email address:      fathibn@yahoo.fr
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.4
Operating system:   Linux 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5xen #1 SMP x86_64
Description:        Nested views working on same set of data on 8.1.21 but
not on 8.4.4

I have migrated a 5 years old database from 8.1.21 running on top of centos
5.5 on an i686 to 8.4.4 running on top of centos 5.5 on an x86_64

I have some nested views and i am still able to get the results on 8.1.21
but when it comes to 8.4.4, I can get the results only from views that
references other tables but when the view references other views, I get an
empty result set.

I also noticed that a view (not nested) gives an empty result set on 8.4.4
while it gives exactly what it is expected to on 8.1.21. This is a simple
view for giving some pseudo-random data for an exam.

it's definition is as follows:
-- View: examen

 SELECT DISTINCT substr(t_valeurs_stock.article::text, 4) AS substr,
round(t_valeurs_stock.consommation_triennale::numeric, 0) AS
consommation_triennale, t_valeurs_stock.min_reappro,
t_valeurs_stock.max_reappro, t_valeurs_stock.dernier_prix_achat,
t_valeurs_stock.devise, sum(t_stocks.quantite_stock) AS stock_reseau,
round((sum(t_ressources.quantite) / 4::double precision)::numeric, 0) AS
total_ressources, max(t_stocks.date_derniere_sortie) AS dds,
md5(t_articles_stock.nom::text) AS cle
   FROM t_valeurs_stock t_valeurs_stock
   JOIN t_stocks t_stocks ON t_valeurs_stock.article = t_stocks.article
   JOIN t_ressources t_ressources ON t_valeurs_stock.article =
   JOIN t_articles_stock t_articles_stock ON t_valeurs_stock.article =
  WHERE t_articles_stock.nom::text <> ''::text AND t_valeurs_stock.devise =
'USD'::bpchar AND t_valeurs_stock.consommation_triennale > 10::double
precision AND t_stocks.date_derniere_sortie::timestamp without time zone >
'1971-12-24 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone AND
char_length(t_articles_stock.nom::text) > 10 AND
char_length(t_articles_stock.nom::text) < 40
  GROUP BY t_valeurs_stock.article, t_valeurs_stock.consommation_triennale,
t_valeurs_stock.min_reappro, t_valeurs_stock.max_reappro,
t_valeurs_stock.dernier_prix_achat, t_valeurs_stock.devise,
  ORDER BY md5(t_articles_stock.nom::text),
substr(t_valeurs_stock.article::text, 4),
round(t_valeurs_stock.consommation_triennale::numeric, 0),
t_valeurs_stock.min_reappro, t_valeurs_stock.max_reappro,
t_valeurs_stock.dernier_prix_achat, t_valeurs_stock.devise,
sum(t_stocks.quantite_stock), round((sum(t_ressources.quantite) / 4::double
precision)::numeric, 0), max(t_stocks.date_derniere_sortie)
 LIMIT 26;

What other data should I post to get some help? There is no confidential
data on the database so I can send schema definition and data but this is a
huge amount for a web form.

Re: BUG #5594: Nested views working on same set of data on 8.1.21 but not on 8.4.4

Tom Lane
"Fathi" <fathibn@yahoo.fr> writes:
> What other data should I post to get some help?

You need to provide enough information for somebody else to reproduce
the problem.  Please read

The usual way to report this type of issue is to create a SQL script
that will reproduce it starting from an empty database.  You can start
from a pg_dump script and then try to trim out anything that's
confidential or irrelevant, and/or reduce the amount of data, if the
script seems too large to mail to the list.

            regards, tom lane