Обсуждение: BUG #5630: CREATE INDEX does not use schema search path


BUG #5630: CREATE INDEX does not use schema search path

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5630
Logged by:          tbz
Email address:      tbb@vollbio.de
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.11
Operating system:   Debian Sqeeze
Description:        CREATE INDEX does not use schema search path

1. Create a new schema like a login user
2. Write a script, that creates a new table pg_user (system table!) and
seperately an index on it
3. Run the script

The table is created in the "user" schema. The creating of the index results

 [Error Code: 0, SQL State: 42501]  FEHLER: Berechtigung nur für
Eigentümer der Relation pg_user

I have to use the full qualified table name while creating the index.
pg_user seems to be a system table, but I think this error will also be
occured, when there is an table with an identical name in schema public.

Bye Thomas

---------- Snip ----------

CREATE TABLE pg_user (
 login_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ak1_login_name ON pg_user(login_name);

---------- Snap ----------

Re: BUG #5630: CREATE INDEX does not use schema search path

Tom Lane
"tbz" <tbb@vollbio.de> writes:
> CREATE TABLE pg_user (
>  login_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
> );
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ak1_login_name ON pg_user(login_name);
> [fails]

This is expected, given the default search_path settings in which
pg_catalog is implicitly at the front of the path.  When you create
pg_user, it's created in whichever schema is the creation target schema
(ie, the first schema listed explicitly in search_path, perhaps
"public").  However, that's still behind pg_catalog, so the unqualified
reference to pg_user in the CREATE INDEX command resolves as
pg_catalog.pg_user.  See

            regards, tom lane