Обсуждение: BUG #7889: Memory Issue in OSX Mountain Lion


BUG #7889: Memory Issue in OSX Mountain Lion

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      7889
Logged by:          Rodrigo Garcia
Email address:      rodrigo.garcia@cross-join.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.2.2
Operating system:   Darwin 12.2.1 - OSX Mountain Lion
Description:        =

Recently we've migrated from Oracle 10g to PostgreSQL 9.2.2. =

Our problem is related to memory consumption, we've a mac mini server =

mountain lion server with 16 gb of RAM, each PostgreSQL server process is
consuming the RAM defined in shared_buffers (shouldn't this be a shared
memory???) resulting in the following memory consumption (top command):

PhysMem: 2438M wired, 5816M active, 7663M inactive, 16G used, 458M free

We're forced to detected when the memory is below a threshold and invoque
the "purge" command at OS level. This brings performance issues because
we're clearing out not only OS cache but also disk cache data that we think
PostgreSQL uses.

Here is the top -o rsize in the system (shared_buffers =3D 512MB,work_mem =
32MB,maintenance_work_mem =3D 256MB):


4125   postgres     0.0  12:08.75 1     0    9     81   25M    558M   575M  =

86560  postgres     0.0  34:43.97 1     0    9     81   25M    558M   575M =

38534  postgres     32.9 11:03.16 1/1   0    9     80   26M+   558M   575M+

57374  postgres     0.0  17:00.25 1     0    9     81   25M    558M   572M  =

84932  postgres     8.6  06:33.90 1     0    9     77   21M    558M   564M  =

61888  postgres     0.0  06:43.98 1     0    9     77   21M    558M   564M  =

14401  postgres     0.0  03:58.94 1     0    9     77   21M    558M   564M  =

84952  postgres     5.3  06:36.73 1/1   0    9     77   21M    558M   564M+

84927  postgres     0.0  06:09.82 1     0    9     77   20M    558M   563M  =

84936  postgres     0.0  04:04.06 1     0    9     77   19M    558M   562M  =

73230  postgres     0.0  12:37.65 1     0    9     59   1360K  558M   538M  =

73229  postgres     0.0  02:06.01 1     0    9     63   5568K  558M   512M  =

477    Finder       0.1  12:08.66 5     4    222+  777+ 391M-  10M-   418M+ =