Обсуждение: BUG #12950: Update problem


BUG #12950: Update problem

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      12950
Logged by:          Robert
Email address:      robert.uradin@gmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.3.6
Operating system:   Win 7

not executing like none UPDATE command, colleagues with the same username
and password entered and executed from another computer without any problem,
can you help me what is the problem, thanks!


ERROR:  syntax error at or near "set"
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM (UPDATE belot_user set permane...
In statement:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM (UPDATE belot_user set permanent_ban=1 where
fb_last_used_name='Robert Uradin') AS sub

Re: BUG #12950: Update problem

"David G. Johnston"
On Thursday, April 2, 2015, <robert.uradin@gmail.com> wrote:

> The following bug has been logged on the website:
> Bug reference:      12950
> Logged by:          Robert
> Email address:      robert.uradin@gmail.com <javascript:;>
> PostgreSQL version: 9.3.6
> Operating system:   Win 7
> Description:
> not executing like none UPDATE command, colleagues with the same username
> and password entered and executed from another computer without any
> problem,
> can you help me what is the problem, thanks!
> error:
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "set"
> LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM (UPDATE belot_user set permane...
>                                                          ^
> In statement:
> SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM (UPDATE belot_user set permanent_ban=1 where
> fb_last_used_name='Robert Uradin') AS sub
If you put the UPDATE in a WITH (cte) and add a RETURNING you can make this
work.  If your colleague got this to work as written, on PostgreSQL, you
shoud probably ask them what you are doing wrong/different.  The update,
especially without returning, is not a valid relation so cannot be placed
in the FROM clause.  I'm somewhat surprised the parser made it to the word
set before choking as I would have thought the update would be
rejected...but unlike the sql standard Postgresql has managed to leave
update unreserved.

David J.