Обсуждение: Re: could not migrate 8.0.13 database with large object data to 9.5.1


Re: could not migrate 8.0.13 database with large object data to 9.5.1

"Premsun Choltanwanich"
Hi John,

Following your instruction by only modify some parameters to match with my =
system, below is a command I just running under "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQ=
L\9.5\bin" on my PostgreSQL 9.5.1 after trying that "psql -h
 clubprogram clubadmin" is worked fine.

My Command:
pg_dump -Ft -v -b -h -U clubadmin -d clubprogram | =
pg_restore -U clubadmin -d clubprogram

Almost Last Result Message:
pg_dump: reading rewrite rules
pg_dump: reading policies
pg_dump: reading large objects
pg_dump: reading dependency data
pg_dump: saving encoding =3D UTF8
pg_dump: saving standard_conforming_strings =3D off
pg_dump: saving database definition
pg_restore: [tar archiver] corrupt tar header found in TION (expected 0, =
computed 37579) file position 512
pg_dump: [tar archiver] could not write to output file: Broken pipe

LOG Message:
No log is created after running above command.

Do you have any other suggestion? Or, May I need to modify some parameters =
on my command?

NOTE: My PostgreSQL 9.5.1 is running on Windows 8 (64bit) and PostgreSQL =
8.0.13 is running on Windows XP (32bit).

NETsolutions Asia Limited

>>> John R Pierce <pierce@hogranch.com> 2016-03-01 12:33 >>>
On 2/29/2016 6:08 PM, Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
> I have very old project database which also contain lo data (large=20
> object data managed by database's functions as lo(oid),=20
> lo_in(cstring), lo_oid(lo), lo_out(lo) and oid(lo) to manage ) running=20=

> on PostgreSQL 8.0.13 and need to migrate it to most recently version=20
> as PostgreSQL 9.5.1.
> After install PostgreSQL 9.5.1, I running a simple command pg_dumb to=20
> 8.0.13 server with parameters required for generate dump file by =
> also be included then running psql with all required parameters to=20
> create those dump data to 9.5.1 server. However, almost tables are=20
> transferred to new server after the process completed except tables=20
> which contain my lo data that all those tables are missing from the=20
> database.
> Please advise to me, How could I migrate 8.0.13 database with large=20
> object data to be working on 9.5.1?

phew, 8.0 has been unsupported now for several years.

that said, the latest pg_dump and pg_dumpall are supposed to be able to=20
dump just about any postgres database going back as far as 7.4 (?) in a=20
format that can be restored on the same version as the pg_dump software.

if you have an old and new server running side by side, I'd try, from=20
the new server...

1) if needed, configure the old server to allow the new one to log onto=20
the old postgres databases (pg_hba.conf, and possibly listen_address=20
and/or firewall rules), verify this works with 'psql -h oldserver=20
dbname' as the postgres user on the new server.

2) from the /new/ 9.5 server, as the postgres user,
       $  pg_dump -Ft -h oldserver olddatabase | pg_restore -d =
(where newdatabase is a fresh empty database on the new server)

if you have the two database servers running side by side on the same=20
server using different ports and paths, then, as the postgres user...
     $ /usr/pgsql-9.5/bin/pg_dump -p oldport -Ft olddatabase |=20
/usr/pgsql-9.5/bin/pg_restore -p newport -Fc newdatabase

if you've already done pretty much the same thing as this, and/or if=20
these fail the same way, it would be useful to look at the postgres=20
logfile from when you ran the dump and restore jobs on both servers.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

Re: Re: could not migrate 8.0.13 database with large object data to 9.5.1

John R Pierce
On 3/1/2016 6:04 PM, Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
> Following your instruction by only modify some parameters to match
> with my system, below is a command I just running under "C:\Program
> Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin" on my PostgreSQL 9.5.1 after trying
> that "psql -h clubprogram clubadmin" is worked fine.
> My Command:
> pg_dump -Ft -v -b -h -U clubadmin -d clubprogram |
> pg_restore -U clubadmin -d clubprogram
> Almost Last Result Message:
> pg_dump: reading rewrite rules
> pg_dump: reading policies
> pg_dump: reading large objects
> pg_dump: reading dependency data
> pg_dump: saving encoding = UTF8
> pg_dump: saving standard_conforming_strings = off
> pg_dump: saving database definition
> pg_restore: [tar archiver] corrupt tar header found in TION (expected
> 0, computed 37579) file position 512
> pg_dump: [tar archiver] could not write to output file: Broken pipe
> LOG Message:
> No log is created after running above command.
> Do you have any other suggestion? Or, May I need to modify some
> parameters on my command?
> NOTE: My PostgreSQL 9.5.1 is running on Windows 8 (64bit) and
> PostgreSQL 8.0.13 is running on Windows XP (32bit).

try the dump without the -Ft flag (tar format) and piped into psql...

     cd \Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin
     pg_dump -h -U clubadmin -d clubprogram | psql -U
clubadmin -d clubprogram

(after first dropping and recreating the new database)

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz