Обсуждение: ...



Hi all,

I have a problem with metadata.........just read this .......

Let us simply suppose a table "test" with 2 fileds "name (varchar(10))" and
"age (numeric)" and there b values as name="abc",age="20".

Now in a function i need to develop a list where the column header info has
to b made in this format i.e., as "column name, column type, column

am getting the column name using PQfname function, column type using PQftype
and column size using PQfsize....... am also able to get each filed values n
their size correctly..........

but the problem now is ......when i use PQfsize to get the column header size
then i get a -1 if the field is a variable length in nature else i get the
exact size........i.e., in the above declared table for both the name and age
being variable fields am getting -1 for their size.......now i need some
mechanism to get 10 for "name" header and number of bytes allocated for
"age"(30,6).......is their any way to overcome this problem?

Is this a draw back in Postgre? Is there any way i can get the exact size
that i allocated when creating the table.....infact most of the other
databases do provide APIs with not having this problem........can anyone help
me, please.........
