Обсуждение: pgsql-server/ oc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml rc ...


pgsql-server/ oc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml rc ...

momjian@svr1.postgresql.org (Bruce Momjian)
CVSROOT:    /cvsroot
Module name:    pgsql-server
Changes by:    momjian@svr1.postgresql.org    03/07/27 00:32:26

Modified files:
    doc/src/sgml/ref: psql-ref.sgml
    src/bin/psql   : describe.c input.c mbprint.c sprompt.c
    src/interfaces/libpq: fe-connect.c

Log message:
    here are the patches for psql on Win32:

    psql4win32.patch  - changes in the psql source code
    psql-ref.patch    - changes in the documentation psql-ref.sgml
    (for new builtin variable WIN32_CONSOLE)

    To apply them use "patch -p 1" in the root directory of the
    postgres source directory.

    These patches fix the following problems of psql on Win32
    (all changes only have effect #ifdef WIN32):

    a) Problem:  Static library libpq.a did not work
    Solution: Added WSAStartup() in fe-connect.c

    b) Problem:  Secret Password was echoed by psql
    Solution: Password echoing disabled in sprompt.c

    c) Problem:  8bit characters were displayed/interpreted wrong in psql
    This is due to the fact that the Win32 "console" uses a
    different encoding than the rest of the Windows system
    Solution: Introduced a new psql variable WIN32_CONSOLE
    When set with "\set WIN32_console", the function OemToChar()
    is applied after reading input and CharToOem() before
    displaying Output

    Christoph Dalitz