Обсуждение: Why cant I load Pg module from my perl CGI under IIS?


Why cant I load Pg module from my perl CGI under IIS?

Rishi Sharma
I can run the following test script in a dos shell by typing:
>perl test.pl

Contents of test.pl:
# -*- perl -*-   to tell emacs that this is a perl script

## uncomment for cgi ###
#use CGI;
#print header;

use Pg;

$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=intake");

if ($status != PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) {
    print STDERR "Error fatal en la conexion ($status), terminamos\n";
    exit (1);

    Pg::doQuery($conn, " select * from tbl_checklist", \@arreglo);
    foreach my $i (0 .. $#arreglo) {
        foreach my $j (0 .. $#{$arreglo[$i]}) {
            print "$arreglo[$i][$j]\t";
        print "\n";
exit (0);

however, when I convert to cgi this script, it just hangs in my browser.
What could be wrong with my IIS environment.  The system has all the path,
ld_library_path, pgdata, pdlib variables set.

How can I test if Pg is infact in my web server's environment.


Rishi Sharma.

Re: Why cant I load Pg module from my perl CGI under IIS?

s0lao@netscape.net (S. L.)
Rishi Sharma <rsharma@Bigstep.net> wrote:
> I can run the following test script in a dos shell by typing:
> >perl test.pl
> however, when I convert to cgi this script, it just hangs in my browser.
> What could be wrong with my IIS environment.  The system has all the path,
> ld_library_path, pgdata, pdlib variables set.  
> How can I test if Pg is infact in my web server's environment.
> Best,
> Rishi Sharma.

Just wondering, IIS hasn't an apache-like ErrorLog configuration directive (checkbox for EventViewer or textfield for
filenameor whatever)? It could ease your pain, as perl certainly errs out the error :)) Why don't you redirect err
(stderr)to a file from the script, anyway ? 


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