Обсуждение: RE: RE: RE: RE: tourble migrating from linux/Apache/post gresql/perl to win2000/IIS/postgresql/perl

Aaah - good point...I should have noticed the d:\...\perl and the

I started another thread "why can't I get pg loaded under IIS".  I actually
was able to load Pg.pm in the windows shell - which would use d:\...\perl.
However the CGI just hangs until it times out with the /usr.../perl.  I will
try the #!/Perl/bin/perl.exe first to see if I can take advantage of the
environment that is already working.  If it doesn't work, I will just remove
the d:\...\perl and use only the cygwin perl.

Thanks again for your inspiring insight.



p.s.  I actually copies the perl libraries that were built tonight to the
winnt\system32, d:\...\perl\lib and /usr.../perl/lib just to make sure it
could use either one - but it's a good idea to have a clean environment with
only 1 version of perl.

-----Original Message-----
From: s0lao@netscape.net [mailto:s0lao@netscape.net]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:24 PM
To: rsharma@bigstep.net
Cc: s0lao@netscape.net; Jason.Tishler@dothill.com;
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [CYGWIN] RE: tourble migrating from
linux/Apache/postgresql/perl to win2000/IIS/postgresql/perl

Rishi Sharma <rsharma@Bigstep.net> wrote:
> Just wondering if I need to install ODBC?
> CGI will not need ODBC correct?

To quote from README in src/interfaces/perl5:

"This has been done by using the Perl5 application programming interface for
C extensions which calls the Postgres programmer's interface LIBPQ."

It's nothing mentioned about ODBC, and it shouldn't, as ODBC is also based

The bottom line is you don't need ODBC. You need ODBC only for ODBC calls in
your applications or for ODBC based applications.

A few hints about your CGI problem:

1. Are you sure you use perl distribution included with cygwin ? (you posted
a message where your @INC pointed to some d:/Perl/[...] paths)

2. If you use the ActivePerl distribution I'm quite curious how's that my
Pg.dll worked in your perl -w.

3. If your perl is located in d:/Perl/bin/perl.exe, then so should the #!
line of your scripts, i.e. #!d:/Perl/bin/perl.exe.

4. If you have 2 versions of perl installed (the ActivePerl and the cygwin
one), you should be careful that your scripts get a sane environment for the
one they use (as it happened with your PostgreSQL building attempts).

5. I'd recommend that your scripts use only the cygwin version of perl --
with a proper MIME configured (i.e. for .pl files, the server should execute
d:/cygwin/usr/local/bin/perl.exe rather than d:/Perl/bin/perl); at least
those scripts that use the Pg driver.

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