Обсуждение: Postgresql 7.1.3 on Win98


Postgresql 7.1.3 on Win98

** To install the precompiled cygipc

bunzip2 -c <path-to-archive>/cygipc-${version}.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
where "${version}" is the version (e.g., 1.11-1).
To test the CygIPC install, launch a Cygwin shell window from the desktop or Windows Start Menu and type:
ipc-daemon &
It should echo its process number and give no errors.

**To set up and start the first PostgreSQL database (note that commands are CASE SENSITIVE):
1.type the command:
             ipc-daemon &
2.To initialize PostgreSQL, type the command: 
             initdb -W -D /cygdrive/d/apps/cygwin/usr/local/pgsql/data
3.To start PostgreSQL Postmaster, type the command: 
             postmaster -i -D /cygdrive/d/apps/cygwin/usr/local/pgsql/data
** Let's go now ~
  1. To create the first database (here called testdb), open a new Cyqwin window and type the command:
    createdb testdb
    Note that you may use the -e option to show the query being sent to the backend.
  2. To test testdb, type the command:
    psql testdb
  3. Note: the     ipc-daemon &     must always be running