Обсуждение: Hot Syncing Databases and using Heartbeat for failover


Hot Syncing Databases and using Heartbeat for failover

"Schmidt-1, Pamela"
Is anyone currently using a PostgreSQL database and hotsyncing to a standby?  I'm currently running Linux 7.3,
Heartbeat.4.9e, PostgreSQL, and OpenNMS.  Here's how it works: 

OpenNMS creates a database called opennms and data is periodically polled (every 5 minutes) and stored in the opennms

Heartbeat is running (with ipfail) so that any disruption of service the failover occurs.  Upon failover Heartbeat
startsopennms and the services are displayed without interuption but, the database is not current. 

Does anyone know of a way to synchronize the databases on a five minute interval without stopping the database service
performingthe sync and then bringing the database back up?  I need a real-time syncronization that will perform a
failoverwith heartbeat and still maintain the integrity of the data within the database. 

Can someone help?????
Pam Schmidt