Обсуждение: What services should be running for PostgreSQL to run as a service?


What services should be running for PostgreSQL to run as a service?

"Andrew Bailey"
I'm following Cedric Dufour's installation procedure at
I installed the IPC daemon as a Windows service
 cygrunsrv --install CygIPC --desc "CygWin IPC Daemon" --path /usr/local/bin/ipc-daemon --termsig INT --shutdown
   NB: 'ip-daemon --install-as-service' doesn't seem to work on Windows XP
checked & it works: CygIPC start and stops fine.
When i get to "Install PostgreSQL server as a Windows service"
 cygrunsrv --install PostgreSQL --desc "PostgreSQL Database Server" --path /usr/bin/postmaster --args "-D <...>/PostgreSQL/data -i" --dep ipc-daemon --termsig INT --user SRV_PostgreSQL --shutdown --stdout <...>/postgresql.log --stderr <...>/postgresql.err
I then get a service called "PostgreSQL Database Server". It couldn't find ipc-daemon as a dependency. I changed this in regedit to "CygIPC", and verify this in PostgreSQL Database Server's Properties, but I still get the following message:
"Could no start the PostgreSQL service on Local Computer.
Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion."
Also, if i try "net start Postmaster" in Cygwin i get "The service name in invalid". But if I try postmaster -D /usr/share/postgresql/data I get LOG: Database system is ready. I thought Postmaster would appear in services.msc but it does not. At this point I thought i would be able to connect to the database but tried using pgAdmin II but it couldn't connect.
And that's where I am. I would have thought i need to see Postmaster as a service. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. If i succeed i'll be posting an XP Pro installation method from this.
Andrew Bailey