Обсуждение: PANIC: ZeroFill failed to write /usr/share/postgresql/data/pg_xlog/xlogtemp.3452: No space left on device


PANIC: ZeroFill failed to write /usr/share/postgresql/data/pg_xlog/xlogtemp.3452: No space left on device

"Veera Sivakumar"

I am Using PostgreSql database.I have got the following error when I was trying to do some database transaction(Adding a record),

My OS is win 2000 server.
Pl help

veera Shiva Kumar

LOG:  database system was shut down at 2005-02-03 05:35:03 GMTST
LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/B9C0C0
LOG:  redo record is at 0/B9C0C0; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
LOG:  next transaction id: 11687; next oid: 34453
LOG:  database system is ready
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
WARNING:  ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress
PANIC:  ZeroFill failed to write /usr/share/postgresql/data/pg_xlog/xlogtemp.3452: No space left on device
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022CA78  7C4F1B1B  (00000000, 00000001, 00000000, 5C676F6C)
0022CAE8  61073C3B  (00000000, 0022CB20, 0022C000, 61079DD9)
0022CB38  6107109A  (00000D7C, 00000006, 0022CB98, 61073331)
0022CB88  610712B2  (00000D7C, 00000006, 0022CBD8, 610717EA)
0022CB98  6107115C  (00000006, 00000006, 00231378, 0022CDD8)
0022CBD8  610717EA  (610C0370, 0022CC30, 0000006B, 0022CDD8)
0022CDC8  0059BEF2  (00000016, 00427680, 0022EE00, 005C2490)
0022F618  004278B1  (00000000, 00000001, 0022F637, 00000001)
0022F638  00427D2C  (00000000, 00C02598, 00000000, 00002000)
0022F6B8  0042C015  (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000003)
0022F6E8  00430F46  (00000005, 0022F7C0, 00000040, 77F89964)
0022F9D8  0050E975  (00000003, 005FAE00, 00000000, 0022F8A4)
0022FA58  0050BFB5  (00000002, 00000001, 00000000, 0A0467A0)
0022FEB8  0050B327  (00000004, 0A0403E0, 7C4E91AA, 00000001)
0022FEF0  004DBB2E  (00000004, 615E0644, 0A040328, 0022FF24)
0022FF40  61007418  (610C3A28, FFFFFFFE, 000003D4, 610C394C)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)LOG:  server process (pid 3452) was terminated by signal 6
LOG:  terminating any other active server processes
WARNING:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
        died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am
        going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
WARNING:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
        died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am
        going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
LOG:  all server processes terminated; reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
IpcMemoryCreate: shmget(key=5432001, size=1441792, 03600) failed: Not enough core

This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared
memory segment exceeded available memory or swap space.
To reduce the request size (currently 1441792 bytes), reduce
PostgreSQL's shared_buffers parameter (currently 64) and/or
its max_connections parameter (currently 32).

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