Обсуждение: Problem while running initdb


Problem while running initdb

"Natrayan Kuppusamy - CTD , Chennai"
I want to run the postmaster.
For that I have followed the steps which you have given.
I am getting the following error while running the initdb commend.
bash: initdb: command not found
Can u give the solution to solve this problem?

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Re: Problem while running initdb

William Makowski
> From: "Natrayan Kuppusamy - CTD , Chennai"
> Date: 2005/09/05 Mon AM 01:23:54 EDT
> I want to run the postmaster.
> For that I have followed the steps which you have given.
> I am getting the following error while running the initdb commend.
> bash: initdb: command not found
> Can u give the solution to solve this problem?

Looks like you are trying to initialize your database, not
run postmaster.  It appears that initdb is not in your
search path.  Depending on how you installed, it should be
in either /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin.  These would need to
be added to the PATH environment variable for the user that
is executing the command.

Another way to locate initdb would be use the find command.
For example, at the / directory type find -iname initdb.
