Обсуждение: INSTALL updates


INSTALL updates

Peter Eisentraut
I updated the installation instructions to the new realities, as
previously announced.

I formalized the process by which the INSTALL file is generated. It is,
fittingly, `make INSTALL' (in doc/src/sgml). The process itself hasn't
changed (Netscape, save as text) but there's only one file that you need
to handle and no manual concatenating or editing is required after that.
And `make INSTALL' will tell you about all that.

I introduced two "internal general entities" -- what other languages would
call variables.

<!entity version "7.1">
<!entity majorversion "7.1">

The first is the full version (e.g., 7.0.2), the second is without the
patch-level (used especially in the context of explaining when an initdb
is required for upgrade). When a new version pops up you just have to
change the numbers in one place, in theory. In the text itself you refer
to &version;.

Fancy technology update number three is that I arranged that the
installation instructions from the INSTALL file and the installation
instructions from the Administrator's Guide chapter could, while
maintained in the same file, adopt themselves to their readership
appropriately. (For example, the INSTALL file contains a quick summary how
to get started, but the Admin Guide version doesn't, because the chapter
that follows is all about that. Conversely, the INSTALL file doesn't
contain information about unpacking the source because the user already
did that if he's reading the file.) See installation.sgml and
standalone-install.sgml how this is done.

Peter Eisentraut                  Sernanders väg 10:115
peter_e@gmx.net                   75262 Uppsala
http://yi.org/peter-e/            Sweden