Обсуждение: Working with Docbook XML


Working with Docbook XML

Roberto Mello
This is not a PostgreSQL-docs-specific question, but I hope I can find
some help here.

With OpenACS we inherited a bunch of docs from ArsDigita, who originally
wrote tho toolkit. They wrote it in Docbook XML and now I'm reworking all
those docs.

I've been using xsltproc to convert these Docbook XML docs to HTML. Anyone
know of better alternatives? I would like to be able to convert to PS/PDF
as well.

I'm using the nwalsh chunks.xsl stylesheet to convert the top-level book
to HTML. It includes 2 levels of sections in the main index.html. I'd like
it to only do 1 level in the main page. Anyone know how to go about doing

Thanks, and my apologies for the simplicity of the questions.


+----| http://fslc.usu.edu USU Free Software & GNU/Linux Club |------+
  Roberto Mello - Computer Science, USU - http://www.brasileiro.net
       http://www.sdl.usu.edu - Space Dynamics Lab, Developer
* * * <- Tribbles  . . . <- Tribbles after a haircut

Re: Working with Docbook XML

Peter Eisentraut
Roberto Mello writes:

> I've been using xsltproc to convert these Docbook XML docs to HTML. Anyone
> know of better alternatives?

As far as XSLT processing goes, you won't find anything significantly
better (and free) than xsltproc.  But you can also use Jade and the DSSSL

> I would like to be able to convert to PS/PDF as well.

Either with Jade to RTF, then with a word processor to PS, or with Jade to
tex, then with JadeTeX to DVI or PDF, or with Jade to MIF, then with Adobe
Framemaker to whatever, or with xsltproc (or Saxon or Xalan or ...) to
XSL-FO, then with PassiveTeX or with FOP to PDF.  Plus some
you-have-to-pay-for-it possibilities I can't recall right now.

> I'm using the nwalsh chunks.xsl stylesheet to convert the top-level book
> to HTML. It includes 2 levels of sections in the main index.html. I'd like
> it to only do 1 level in the main page. Anyone know how to go about doing
> that?

Set the parameter "toc.section.depth" to something else.

The mailing list docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org is a good place to get
these kinds of questions answered.  Be sure to read the documentation

Peter Eisentraut   peter_e@gmx.net