Обсуждение: The translation into Bulgarian


The translation into Bulgarian

"Albert Ward"
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 I am interested in your publication http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/kernel-resources.html and would like to translate it to Bulgarian language, so I can share it with the readers on my blog. For doing that I need your written permission.
 Of course, I will credit you as an author and your webpage as a source. Certainly, I will be grateful if you do the same when I'll be done with translation.
 The translation is non-commercial and will be posted only on the Web, no print copies are planned.
 Do you prefer email or IM for contact (if any questions regarding the translation arise)? AIM, MSN, Skype?
Albert Ward

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The translation into Bulgarian

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Re: The translation into Bulgarian

"Kevin Grittner"
"Albert Ward" <albert.ward@gmx.com> wrote:

>  I am interested in your publication
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/kernel-resources.html
> and would like to translate it to Bulgarian language, so I can
> share it with the readers on my blog. For doing that I need your
> written permission.

If you follow the "PostgreSQL 8.1" link at the top of the page you
cite, and then the "Copyright" link from there, you will find the
permission already granted, with the requirement that the copyright
notice accompany your version.


It is odd that you would be looking at version 8.1, though.  That is
no longer a supported version.


Perhaps you should consider the latest released version:


or the soon to be released version:

