Обсуждение: User Authentication Failed


User Authentication Failed

lynch@lscorp.com (Richard Lynch)
The PostgreSQL Glimpse mailing list search thing is down.

I found some similar things in PHP's archives, but none that really seemed
applicable.  I only know half the story, though, because my ISP is running
PostgreSQL and compiling PHP for me, so it's hard to play around with
options and such.

All I can say for sure is:

The php.cgi seems to work okay from the web, as far as phpinfo goes.

psql -u chat works okay, and I've granted everything to user www, and
verified that I can psql -u chat and use www as name and password and do a

Is there something I need to do to "grant connect access" to user www?
I can't seem to find such a beast...

php.cgi -v reports version 3.0b6, but my ISP claimed it was an RC release...

php.cgi is owned by my login name, and when it used to be owned by root, it
had an even nastier error message about misconfiguration  :-)

PostgreSQL is probably the most recent version, since it was just rebuilt,
which is what caused the trouble.

pg_Connect destructively modifies the arguments passed to it, which seems
odd to me, but I'm a lisp hacker, so what do I know?

Here's the actual error message:

Warning: Unable to connect to PostgresSQL server: User authentication
failed in /iiw/htdocs/chatmusic.com/connect.php
on line 10
Couldn't connect to database chat on port 5432 at host ruby
  (Options auth=password user=www password=www tty /dev/null)

And my source code that produced it:
  <HEAD><TITLE>Just Connect To PostgreSQL</TITLE></HEAD>
      $host = "";
      $port = 5432;
      $options = "";
      $tty = "";
      $dbname = "chat";
      $connection = pg_Connect($host, $port, $options, $tty, $dbname);
      if (!$connection){
        echo("Couldn't connect to database $dbname on port $port at host
        if ($options != "" || $tty != ""){
          echo("  (Options $options tty $tty)<BR>\n");
        echo("<H1><CENTER>Successfully Connected</CENTER></H1>\n");

-- "TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@lscorp.com

Re: [PHP3] User Authentication Failed

engelbert gruber

Richard Lynch wrote:

> The PostgreSQL Glimpse mailing list search thing is down.
> I found some similar things in PHP's archives, but none that really seemed
> applicable.  I only know half the story, though, because my ISP is running
> PostgreSQL and compiling PHP for me, so it's hard to play around with
> options and such.
> All I can say for sure is:
> The php.cgi seems to work okay from the web, as far as phpinfo goes.

includes postgres support I assume

> psql -u chat works okay, and I've granted everything to user www, and
> verified that I can psql -u chat and use www as name and password and do a
> select.
> Is there something I need to do to "grant connect access" to user www?
> I can't seem to find such a beast...
> php.cgi -v reports version 3.0b6, but my ISP claimed it was an RC release...
> php.cgi is owned by my login name, and when it used to be owned by root, it
> had an even nastier error message about misconfiguration  :-)
> PostgreSQL is probably the most recent version, since it was just rebuilt,
> which is what caused the trouble.

maybe that causes the trouble when php was built with an older (6.2)
postgresand now tries to access 6.3.

couldn´t you build your own php and try to connect to pgsql ?

 engelbert gruber
 METASYS Datentechnik
  - innsbruck/austria/europe
 email : Engelbert.Gruber@metasys.co.at

 webpg : http://www.metasys.co.at