Обсуждение: Makefile patches in contrib directory for 6.3.2.


Makefile patches in contrib directory for 6.3.2.

Jun Kuwamura
I'm contributing PostgreSQL package for Japanese Linux distribution
which consists of two archives.  One is main package and another
contains examples such as in contrib, test and tutorial directories.

When I tried to make under contrib directory, I felt difficulty to work
under each subdirectory.  So I made a patch to install *.so objs in
$PGLIB/modules directory.  In this time, I found the problem when
regression testing with recompiled refint.so which needs some
compile flag to be vurbos for the test.  This time I added Makefile
and README file in contrib directory as the followings.


  This directory contains the contribution functions or tools with

  Please check the source codes befor you do the following installations
and using them as your own risk.


 - contrib -|
            |- apache_logging -
        |   Getting Apache to log to PostgreSQL
        |       by Terry Mackintosh <terry@terrym.com>
            |- array -
        |   Array iterator functions
        |       by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
            |- datetime -
        |   Date & time functions
        |       by Sergio Lenzi <lenzi@bsi.com.br>
            |- int8 -
        |   64-bit integer arithmetic for Postgres
        |       by Thomas G. Lockhart <Thomas.Lockhart@jpl.nasa.gov>
            |- ip_and_mac -
        |   PostgreSQL type extensions for IP and MAC addresses
        |       by Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <tih@Hamartun.Priv.NO>
            |- linux -
        |   Start postgres back end system
        |       by Thomas Lockhart <lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu>
            |- miscutil -
        |   Postgres assert checking and various utility functions
        |       by Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
            |- pginterface -
        |   A crude C/4GL
        |       by Bruce Momjian <root@candle.pha.pa.us>
            |- sequence -
        |   Set a new sequence value
        |       by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
            |- soundex -
        |   Prototype for soundex function
            |- spi -
        |   A general trigger function autoinc() and so on.
            |- string -
        |   New input/output conversion routines for strings
        |       by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
            |- unixdate -
        |   Conversions from integer to datetime
        |       by Thomas Lockhart <lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu>
            |- userlock -
        |   User locks
        |       by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>

How to install:

  After patched this directory,

        % zcat 6.3.2_contrib_Makefiles.patch.gz | patch -p1

the C function modules will be installed into $(LIBDIR)/modules/ with
the following command execution.

    % make clean
    % make
    % make install

  You have to do manualy execute sql commands and make entries of functions
after you installed the modules if you want to use them.

    % cd [module source dir.]
        % psql -e [database name] < [file name].sql


 Jun Kuwamura
rC Cm    Research Center of Computational Mechanics, Inc.
  ^        E-Mail: juk@rccm.co.jp
