Обсуждение: Postgresql 6.3.1 on Irix 6.2


Postgresql 6.3.1 on Irix 6.2

David Welton
Hi, I am considering utilizing Postgresql for a rather intensive web
project on an Irix 6.2 box.  I have had quite good results with
postgresql on Linux, but, having perused the mailing lists and
dejanews, I see that there are maybe some weirdnesses on Irix.  I'm
curious if anyone else out there is using it for a heavy duty web
project on Irix, and if so, how well it has performed.

I would be overjoyed to chuck msql out the window:->

David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw

    Debian GNU/Linux - www.debian.org

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql 6.3.1 on Irix 6.2

Ivan Cornell
David Welton wrote:

> Hi, I am considering utilizing Postgresql for a rather intensive web
> project on an Irix 6.2 box.  I have had quite good results with
> postgresql on Linux, but, having perused the mailing lists and
> dejanews, I see that there are maybe some weirdnesses on Irix.  I'm
> curious if anyone else out there is using it for a heavy duty web
> project on Irix, and if so, how well it has performed.

Hello David,
I've got postgresql 6.3.X running fine on a couple of Irix 6.2 machines on
our intranet. The performance is fine - my venerable old Indigo 1
development machine has coped with 10 apache/php3 requests/sec for an
internal database. The problems on the mailing list probably refer to trying
to compile for the n32/64 ABI, which I haven't succeeded in doing (using
SGI's cc). I've compiled the server as an o32 and run it as that, and then
seperately compiled the cllient library as n32 for linking against perl,
etc. There is quite detailed info on how to compile in the IRIX specific FAQ
- make sure you check out http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/~martin for the
latest version, as this tends to more up to date than the one shipped with
postgresql. I think the n32 version does compile up- I just haven't bothered
to do it!
Ivan Cornell, FrameStore Ltd

libq++ and security help

Monica Rogati
    Hi, I' d really appreciate some help with the following issue:

    I'm using libq++ for a C++ frontend; the problem is I need to have
many users who don't have accounts on the server. I tried to find
information on connecting to the database specifying the username and
password, but it looks like the libq++ functions rely on the environment
    I used mysql for a while and I had no problem doing this from
the C++ interface, and I know there has to be a way in postgresql, since
psql can do it. Could someone please point me into the right direction?
The pg_passwd man page seems to have something, but it only pertains to
tcl; I could find nothing in the libq++ examples , the user/programmer's
guides , or the mailing list archives. I looked in the header files also,
but maybe I missed something ... any ideas?

Thanks A LOT,
