Обсуждение: RE: [GENERAL] pg_result


RE: [GENERAL] pg_result

"Jackson, DeJuan"
> $result points to the result structure.  I.e.
>     $result_status = $result->resultStatus
> Returns the status of the result. For comparing the status you
> may use one of the following constants depending upon the
> command executed:
> See Pg.pm for all of the result structure.
I believe that you are using PHP, and not PERL, to interface with
PostgreSQL. (Please refer to http://www.php.net)
Since I can't see the query I'll have to assume that the field name that
you are passing to pg_result is wrong.  You might want to include the
query and tell us which column you are trying to retrieve.

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:    Jackson, DeJuan [SMTP:djackson@cpsgroup.com]
> > Sent:    Thursday, June 25, 1998 11:46 AM
> > To:    davez@istand.com; pgsql-general@postgreSQL.org
> > Subject:    RE: [GENERAL] pg_result
> >
> > >     I have looked all over the site and I can not find good
> > > description for
> > > 'pg_result'  I am having this problem.  My database and everthing
> is
> > > working fine but when I try to run a query from an html webpage it
> > is
> > > not
> > > working and I believe it is my 'pg_result' command.  I have a
> table
> > > with
> > > 5-6 columns of information and I want total records to be
> selected.
> > I
> > > then
> > > reference the call to a variable and call it further in my HTML,
> but
> > > nothing prints up.  I have tried naming all the fields where
> 'row1'
> > is
> > > below but it also doesn't work.  I am not getting any errors and
> > html
> > > prints back except for any values for '$rows', not even the row1
> > > values
> > > will come back. My query command works fine in psql.
> > >     Does anyone see my problem?
> > >
> > > $result = pg_Exec($conn, "$query");
> > > if (!$result);
> > >         echo "An error occured inserting information into our
> > > database.\n";
> > >         exit;
> > > else;
> > >         pg_close ($conn);
> > > endif;
> > > $rows = pg_result($result,0,"row1");
> > >
> > >     Thanks in advance,
> > >     Dave
> > Close the connection after you are done retrieving the results.
> >     -DEJ

RE: [GENERAL] pg_result

David Zampese
    Awe, I switched over to Perl, I forgot I started with a PHP
script.  I get it to interact with the table and I read through perldocs
on Pg, but I still can not figure out how to print up the result.
    I get this from it:
                Result PG_result=SCALAR(0x810e178)
                            Ntuples 10
                            NFields 11
                            Status 0
                            ResultStatus 2
                            Command Status

    I am trying to get back 10 lines of information that each contain
11 fields.  Do you know what variable I should set up.  Do I need to set
up and array call since there are more than 1 line of data that I am
trying to call?

            This is what I have:


use Pg;

$database = "inquiries";
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname = $database");

$query = "select * from sales where acctid = 'dave'";
$result = $conn->exec("$query");
# should check to see if status is ok if not fail it
$status = $conn->status;
$errorMessage = $conn->errorMessage;
$cmdStatus = $result->cmdStatus;

$result_status = $result->resultStatus;
$ntuples = $result->ntuples;
$nfields = $result->nfields;

# Return HTML page
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html>\n";
print "<body BGCOLOR=white>\n";
print "<center>\n";
print "<h2>Transactions to Date</h2>\n";
print "<table><tr><td>\n";
print "Result $result<br>\n";
print "Ntuples $ntuples<br>\n";
print "NFields $nfields<br>\n";
print "Status $status<br>\n";
print "ResultStatus $result_status<br>\n";
print "Command Status $cmdStatus <br>\n";
print "E_Message $errorMessage<br>\n";
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";
