Обсуждение: A Smart Sequence needed


A Smart Sequence needed

I know how to make a simple sequence, that will start at a value, and
increment that value.  What I am needing is something like this however:

say you have a relationship such as:

1    john
2    amy
3    jim
4    sue
5    mike

ok, and a seqence will cause the next one to be 6 right? And this is fine
for me, except I want if "jim" for example is gone, he creates a hole
there, a gap.  I want the gap to be filled in.  So instead of a "next
available" sequence, I want a "first availabe":

1    john
2     amy
4    sue
5     mike

I want a sequence thats smart enough to pick 3 as the next "slot", since
that is the first available.  If this capibility is not possible, please
let me know.  It's probably quite simple, but I don't know the answer
after reading create_sequence, so I am asking it here.  Thank you for the


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Re: [GENERAL] A Smart Sequence needed

Ken McGlothlen
| I know how to make a simple sequence, that will start at a value, and
| increment that value.  What I am needing is something like this however:
| [...] I want [a gap in a sequence resulting from a deleted record].  So
| instead of a "next available" sequence, I want a "first available" [...]

Unfortunately, there's no way for a sequence to accomodate this, since a
sequence consists of a single record that basically has the following fields:

    name of sequence
    last given value

(There's more, but not important.)  In order to track gaps, you'd have to also
keep records for every deleted record, something that sequences were *not*
intended to do.

You can simulate this behavior, though, by having a table called deletednum,
for example; your record-deletion function could then add the number into that
table whenever you deleted a record.  You'd then have to write a new function
you'd use in place of nextval() that went something like this:

    select the minimum number in deletednum
    if there isn't one
        return the result of nextval(sequence)
        delete the number from deletednum
        return the number you just deleted

But even this won't catch all the gaps, because as far as I know, sequences
don't revert if a transaction is aborted.  If you use nextval() and then abort
the transaction, the sequence has still been incremented.

Why?  Sequences are more worried about providing unique values rather than
running out of space.  But you have to go through a couple of billion
nextval()s to run a sequence out, so I don't think you need to worry too much.
(If that were the case, if I were you, I'd be a lot more worried about running
out of oids.)
