Обсуждение: Boy I hate upgrades..Cannot connect locally


Boy I hate upgrades..Cannot connect locally

I have a database runing that I upgrade to 6.3.2 from 6.2.1., and have
read all the docs regarding migration and changes, but little is said
about any effects on the Perl Interface.

I have my client machines connecting to the database via TCP no
problem, but cannot get a script to connect locally.  I have the script
executing with the correct UID, the permissions are correctly granted,
(As evedinced by the scripts that are connecting via TCP)
I have an entry for both local,, and the TCP address of the
local machine in pg_hba.conf, for testing purposes all configured as
local all trust
host all trust
host all <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> trust
$conn->status always returns 1
$conn=Pg::connectdb("dbname=<name>") was tried as well as
$conn=Pg::connectdb("host=<tcp_ip> dbname=<name>")
and neither worked..
Of course the postmaster is running correctly with the -i flag, as
evidenced by the client scripts are
still connecting to the database and adding data correctly..

All the old 6.2.1 clients are still connecting correctly, only the newly
upgraded 6.3.2 version Perl Interface is giving me a problem. The only
errors that occurred during the upgrade to the newer Perl Interface were
4 errors in line 100 of (forget the file name, think it was
../perl/MM_unix.pm) about a substring outside of the string..

Any help?