Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] How about this LOGO?


Re: [GENERAL] How about this LOGO?

lynch@lscorp.com (Richard Lynch)
At 10:59 PM 7/23/98, The Hermit Hacker wrote:
>On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Dan Delaney wrote:
>> On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Roberto Joao Lopes Garcia wrote:
>> > The first PostgreSQL logo that I realy loved at the URL:
>> Here's a slightly larger version of the Leopard logo with "Powered
>> by" in Helvetica instead of "Empowered" in Courier.
>>    dionysia.org/res/misc/PoweredbyPostgreSQL.gif
>Why not a nice simple (ack, I hate to say it) Logo like the one that the
>first URL had for Linux?  Why does it have to have an animal on it?  The
>icon is too small to have an animal "crowding" the Words...

fwiw, I like the cat. :-^

I think if you changed the black to the gray like the other logos at
http://www.stud.enst.fr/~ulmer/gen_pages.cgi the
crowding/legibility/catness would improve greatly.

"Powered by" is way better than "Empowerd", imho.  I'm not too keen on the
purple, tho...

Disclaimer:  I can't even color-coordinate my clothes.

-- "TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@lscorp.com