Обсуждение: to my last letter about embedded SQL


to my last letter about embedded SQL

Well, I investigated the problem and found out, that in fact, the table is
'created', because the file representing the table called
/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/szoli1/perftest EXISTS, but can't reach neither
via psql nor via pgaccess. But can't create a table with the same name:
szoli1=> create table perftest(number int4);
ERROR:  cannot create perftest
ERROR:  cannot create perftest

So there's some inconsistence in PostgreSQL.
When I found out what happened, removed the whole postgreSQL package and
reinstalled it from scratch. But when runned the program again got the
same results. However psql and pgaccess works fine when I create a table
with them and fill these tables with data.
 If anyone has some idea what to do please mail me.

            Thanks in advance

                Sebestyén Zoltán

P.S.: I forgot to describe my system: It's a FreeBSD-2.2.7-RELEASE system
running on a PII-300 box

Sebestyén Zoltán AKA Memphisto        It all seems so stupid,
                    it makes me want to give up.
szoli@neumann.cs.elte.hu        But why should I give up,
                                        when it all seems so stupid?

MAKE INSTALL NOT WAR            And please avoid Necrosoft Widows


Andy Lewis
I have a table with somedate defined as date.

I want to select all rows that are from todays date back to 7 days
ago. Or in this case 10-1-1998.

data in the somedate fields appear as: 10-7-1998

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance