Обсуждение: RE: [GENERAL] question 3


RE: [GENERAL] question 3

"Jackson, DeJuan"
I really have no idea what you are truly asking for here, but here's a
crack at what I think you want.
 select count(p.*) from prestito p, libro l
 where p.id_libro = l.id_libro
 group by p.id_utente, l.tipo
Try it...

> -----Original Message-----
> Hi again,
> I have this 3 tables:
> esame=> select * from prestito\g
> id_libro|id_utente|data_prestito|visto|notifica1|notifica2|notifica3
> --------+---------+-------------+-----+---------+---------+---------
>       11|       37|   12-04-1998|f    |         |         |
> (1 row)
> esame=> select * from utente\g
> cognome |nome    |id_utente|indirizzo       |
> telefono|tipo_utente|info_utente       |l
> ibri_presi| notifica1| notifica2| notifica3|password|email
> --------+--------+---------+----------------+------------+-----------+
> ------------------+-
> ----------+----------+----------+----------+--------+--------------
> Ballabio|Dario   |       37|Via carducci 125|  02-2422700|
> 1|Ditta Enter S.r.L.|
>           |          |          |          |dario   |dario@pinco.it
> esame=> select * from libro\g
> titolo      |id_libro|id_utente|collocazione|casa_edit|
> data_publ|tipo|difetto|id_libro_ke
> y
> ------------+--------+---------+------------+---------+----------+----
> +-------+-----------
> -
> Il talismano|s1      |        0|d1          |aop2     |05-12-1985|
> 1|
> |          1
> 2
> It          |d1      |       37|d1          |apo      |05-12-1940|
> 1|
> |          1
> 1
> I need a query that for each id_utente return me the numeber of items
> in
> "prestito" and th
> is number is group by libro.tipo
> "Il divertimento e' giusto se la scimmia ci prende gusto"
> --
> Italian Linux Press: http://ziobudda.enter.it/ILP/
> --
> Morelli 'ZioBudda' Davide Michel - Member of Pluto Linux User Group
> michel@michel.enter.it - http://ziobudda.enter.it/
> Linux Problem? Ask to linux@media.dsi.unimi.it
> "/dev/ziobudda: access to /var/tmp/beer denied, use
> /var/adm/pineapple"

RE: [GENERAL] question 3

On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Jackson, DeJuan wrote:

> I really have no idea what you are truly asking for here, but here's a
> crack at what I think you want.
>  select count(p.*) from prestito p, libro l
>  where p.id_libro = l.id_libro
>  group by p.id_utente, l.tipo
> Try it...

parser: parse error at or near "*"

"Il divertimento e' giusto se la scimmia ci prende gusto"
Italian Linux Press: http://ziobudda.enter.it/ILP/
Morelli 'ZioBudda' Davide Michel - Member of Pluto Linux User Group
michel@michel.enter.it - http://ziobudda.enter.it/
Linux Problem? Ask to linux@media.dsi.unimi.it
"/dev/ziobudda: access to /var/tmp/beer denied, use /var/adm/pineapple"