Обсуждение: RE: [GENERAL] We are doing great things with PostgreSQL


RE: [GENERAL] We are doing great things with PostgreSQL

Evan Howarth
    >I took some time last night to go to DejaNews (www.dejanews.com)
<http://www.dejanews.com)> ,
    >and do a search for PostgreSQL, ordered by date.
    >I did this about a year ago, and was disappointed in what I saw.
    >One year later, huge difference.

    I did the same a couple of months ago when I chose PostgreSQL for a
web project. Both the database and public perception have improved. For
this, I think we owe you and the many other contributors a debt of

    >In February, we start beta on 6.5, which will have multi-version
    >concurrency control, thanks to Vadim.

    This is an awesome feature which I have been enjoying for years with
InterBase. Not only are multi-user transactions faster, but multi-versioning
paves the way for more powerful utilities such as backups. Writers don't
affect readers. Period.

    Thanks to all who have made PostreSQL succeed,

    Evan Howarth