Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] Postgre superuser?? (fwd)


Re: [GENERAL] Postgre superuser?? (fwd)

James Thompson
Forgive me if this is a double post my previous attempt bounced

> 2. Create the Postgres superuser account...
>     The owner of the Postgres files can be any unprivileged user account...

Basically, create a normal user acount on the unix box.  Don't make the
superuser of the box (root) the superuser of the database.  On my box I
have a normal user account for a user called postgresql, while to unix it
is nobody special to the database it is the superuser.

> I am somewhat confused - it is a superuser account but it is unprivileged?
> So it is just the account which installs the Postgre files - the owner.

Yes, but it should probably be a user created for just the purpose of
being the postgresql superuser.  Less likely to frag your database that

> Does this account belong to any particular group?

Not necessary to my knowledge.  I alway setup a unique group for each user
anyway as it doesn't hurt anything and in some cases it can be usefull.

James Thompson    138 Cardwell Hall  Manhattan, Ks   66506    785-532-0561
Kansas State University                          Department of Mathematics