Обсуждение: Getting total records in result set


Getting total records in result set

Mike Frisch
What is the easiest (and least system intensive) method of getting the
total number of records in the result set?  I am presently opening the
cursor, doing a FETCH ALL, reading PQntuples(), closing the cursor, and
reopening it for the 'real' work.

Background:  I am writing a CGI script that paginates the output from an
SQL query and need to know a total number of records to calculate the
number of pages to display.

Is what I am going correct or is there a better way?



  Mike Frisch                         Email: mfrisch@saturn.tlug.org
  Northstar Technologies        WWW: http://saturn.tlug.org/~mfrisch
  Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA

Re: [GENERAL] Getting total records in result set

"Brett W. McCoy"
On Sat, 10 Apr 1999, Mike Frisch wrote:

> What is the easiest (and least system intensive) method of getting the
> total number of records in the result set?  I am presently opening the
> cursor, doing a FETCH ALL, reading PQntuples(), closing the cursor, and
> reopening it for the 'real' work.
> Background:  I am writing a CGI script that paginates the output from an
> SQL query and need to know a total number of records to calculate the
> number of pages to display.
> Is what I am going correct or is there a better way?

If you create a view with SQL, then do 'select count(*) from <viewname>',
you can just read the first (and only) row from THAT query.  Can you then
create your cursor from the view?

Brett W. McCoy
What garlic is to food, insanity is to art.