Обсуждение: Announce: free Perl AddressBook


Announce: free Perl AddressBook

Fabrice Scemama

I've writen a very little AddressBook program, which can be
downloaded at http://www.gesnet.net/Alone/AddressBook/ .

It's not very big, nor very featured, but I find it useful
for my personal needs, and just wanted to share it. It was
writen in Perl, and uses DBI, Postgresql, and DBD::Pg,
which gives it nice possibilities (including the one of
dumping the database, and syncing a remote address book
database that can be used when you're not at home, for e.g).

Hope it will be useful to someone (else than myself ;-)

Fabrice Scemama
"Le jour ou les gauloises bleues fusionneront avec les gitanes vertes,
l'avenir sera sombre pour le tabac gris."  -- Pierre Dac

Deadlock problems

Chris Bitmead
I'm not using any explicit transactions when I use Postgres. I would
have thought this would exclude me from deadlock problems. After all, If
I never have explicit transactions, it's not obvious that you would be
holding locks.

Can I turn off locks altogether? Basicly I'm just dynamically generating
web pages with various joins out of postgres. But even if these simple
queries can cause deadlocks, well it just doesn't work, and performance
dies. It would seem crazy if I had to worry a lot about locks just to do
web page generation/queries.

If it matters, I'm using a 6.5 beta with Perl.