Обсуждение: RE: [GENERAL] 6.3.2 -> 6.4.2


RE: [GENERAL] 6.3.2 -> 6.4.2

"Jackson, DeJuan"
> I am contemplating upgrading from Redhat 5.2 (intel) to Redhat 6.0
> (intel), which will in turn upgrade postgres from 6.3.2. to 6.4.2.
> My question is, should the normal Redhat upgrade process be successfull in
> doing this postgres upgrade, or do I need to export all my data first, and
> then import into 6.4.2?  Or does the redhat upgrade take care of this?  Is
> it even necessary to recreate the database in 6.4.2 or is it downward
> compatible with 6.3.2?
> Thanks.
> Brian
I wouldn't expect the upgrade to happen automagically with the RH upgrade.
And no 6.4.2 is not downward compatible with 6.3.2 on a system table
level(that's why it's 6.4.2 and not 6.3.5).
I'd export the data, move it to another disk or a tape.  Do the upgrade.
(I'd also remove the Postgres rpm and compile from the tar, but I like to
know how all my source files are located and what version I'm using).  Then
restore the dump.
I'd do some extensive testing before I replaced a production system on RH5.2
with RH6.0, why, because I believe they switched glibc versions which is
seldom a smooth transition.  You might have to tweak optimizer switches in
the compile to circumvent some flakiness.  But hey, don't let me scare you
out of it, it's not like I've tried it yet.