Обсуждение: Need beta testers for Java report writer for Postgresql


Need beta testers for Java report writer for Postgresql

Jim Ridenour
    I've written a menu-driven report writer in Java for Postgresql and
need 3 or 4 beta test volunteers for the first run of testing.
    Once it's completed I intend to release it for general use in some
version of GPL so you'll be getting an early look at something you might
want to use later.  Source code is included.
    It was developed for a 6.4.2 Postgresql system and uses that jdbc
driver.  It's included.  You'll need to have the jdk 1.2 (2.0) from Sun on
your system to try it out.
    If you're interested, e-mail me privately and I'll send you the url to
download it.  I only need a few testers right now and don't want to have
more people than really necessary involved in such an early test.
    Thanks for your cooperation.

Jim Richards
Hello all ...

I don't seem to be able to find any reference to a data type similar to
Oracle's LOMG RAW or MySQL's mediumblob data type.

There appears to be a text field, but I would think that it can't take
binary data too well ...

Am I blind or is there nothing similar.

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  New Media For The New Millennium