Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] two phase commit?


Re: [GENERAL] two phase commit?

"Keith G. Murphy"
amy cheng wrote:
> Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> >From a viewpoint of relative database ignorance and just to get the ball
> >rolling on an answer:
> you or me ;-)
> >
> >Is this even a meaningful question to ask of a backend database product
> >like Postgresql?  I.e., wouldn't middleware be required to perform a
> >two-phase commit, which would involve multiple database backends?  I
> >doubt if pgsql would have anything that would explicitly support or
> >prevent it.
> just imagine can you use M$^ccess to do 2PC, even you have "proper"
> middleware?
> >
> >Feel free to contradict (=educate) me.
> >
> just did ;-(
Actually, you didn't, since I don't consider MSAccess to even be within
the problem domain, any more than Paradox.

But I'm still dead wrong, since database engines, also called Resource
Managers, do have to have the smarts to talk to Transaction Managers
properly in order to support two-phase commits.  I had forgotten.  :-O
And your original question is of course perfectly meaningful and
appropriate.  Sorry.

We still don't know if Postgresql can do it, do we?