Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] data mart indexing support?


Re: [GENERAL] data mart indexing support?

"amy cheng"
ok, I did research on to-do list, doc, general list, sql list and
hacker list, seems that (correct me if I'm wrong):
1) no bitmap index;
2) can not use multiple indices within one query;
3) can not do Cartesian first then do join -- is there a way to
   configure the optimizer?

I wish I can be a hacker to do this. BTW, SQL server 7 can do them,
why PG can not :-)


>From: "amy cheng" <amycq@hotmail.com>
>To: pgsql-general@postgreSQL.org
>Subject: [GENERAL] data mart indexing support?
>Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 06:58:01 PDT
>greetings, all experts & newbies there!!!
>my questions are all related with data warehouse indexing:
>1) does PG support bitmap index?
>2) can PG use multiple indices with in ONE query? so that we do not
>   need to make multiple attribute indices (composite indices).
>3) can PG actually do Cartesian product on multiple relatively small
>   tables ("dimension tables" in data warehouse jargon) first and
>   THEN join the result with the largest table ("fact table")?
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