Обсуждение: Fw: Indexes?!?!?


Fw: Indexes?!?!?

"Nikolay Mijaylov"

> santo=> \d
> Database    = santo
>  +------------------+----------------------------------+----------+
>  |  Owner           |             Relation             |   Type   |
>  +------------------+----------------------------------+----------+
>  | postgres         | banners                          | table    |
>  | postgres         | banners_id_seq                   | sequence |
>  | postgres         | banners_pkey                     | index    |
>  | postgres         | domains                          | table    |
>  | postgres         | domains_pkey                     | index    |
>  | postgres         | folders                          | table    |
>  | postgres         | folders_pkey                     | index    |
>  | postgres         | folders_seq                      | sequence |
>  | postgres         | mboxes                           | table    |
>  | postgres         | mboxes_att                       | table    |
>  | postgres         | mboxes_att_id_key                | index    |
>  | postgres         | mboxes_att_id_seq                | sequence |
>  | postgres         | mboxes_att_pk                    | index    |
>  | postgres         | mboxes_pkey                      | index    |
>  | postgres         | mboxes_seq                       | sequence |
>  | postgres         | sessions                         | table    |
>  | postgres         | sessions_pkey                    | index    |
>  | postgres         | userdata                         | table    |
>  | postgres         | userdata_pkey                    | index    |
>  | postgres         | users                            | table    |
>  | postgres         | users_name_key                   | index    |
>  | postgres         | users_pkey                       | index    |
>  | postgres         | users_seq                        | sequence |
>  | mta              | xinx605281                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx605345                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx605409                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx605473                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx605537                       | index    |
> OK THERE WAS A LOTS OF THEM BUT The list reject my message, so i delete a
> couple of them.
>  | mta              | xinx606529                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx606593                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx606625                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx606689                       | index    |
>  | mta              | xinx606753                       | index
>  +------------------+----------------------------------+----------+
> santo=>
> "mta" is user that works with the base.
> Whats happen??? First I thought that every LargeObject is index, but now
> table i have no more than 5 or 6 LargeObjects
> HELP????
> nmmm