Обсуждение: JDBC problem


JDBC problem

soundar rajan
Hi all,

Thanks for the responses.  I'm running postgreSQL
6.5.2 under Linux 6.1.  I need to access the DB using
JDK (either 1.1 or 1.2, doesn't really matter a lot).
The problem I face is on the creation of the
postgresql.jar, the driver for the connection.

When I try to make under the /src/interfaces/jdbc
directory, it fails.  On making it, either I ge 47
errors or the make fails stating some errors -- '(u'
unexpected syntax error , /bin/sh -- I've the
jdbc6.5-1.1.jar (from retep,org.uk) in the same
directory and my path is set to the jdk1.1.3/bin
directory.  I(I was advised dk1.2 doesn't work well
for Linux).  Can anyone help me in overcoming this

Urgent please.
Thanks in advacnce.

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Re: [GENERAL] JDBC problem

Peter Mount
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, soundar rajan wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks for the responses.  I'm running postgreSQL
> 6.5.2 under Linux 6.1.  I need to access the DB using
> JDK (either 1.1 or 1.2, doesn't really matter a lot).
> The problem I face is on the creation of the
> postgresql.jar, the driver for the connection.
> When I try to make under the /src/interfaces/jdbc
> directory, it fails.  On making it, either I ge 47
> errors or the make fails stating some errors -- '(u'
> unexpected syntax error , /bin/sh -- I've the
> jdbc6.5-1.1.jar (from retep,org.uk) in the same
> directory and my path is set to the jdk1.1.3/bin
> directory.  I(I was advised dk1.2 doesn't work well
> for Linux).  Can anyone help me in overcoming this
> step.

I've got to put 1.1.7 back on my linux box, but 1.2 is working very well -
but I've tended to miss out on the problems.

Now the jdbc6.5-1.1.jar file is infact the 6.5.1 version driver, so as
your java.version string is not correct, you'll have to run your app

    java -Djava.version=1.1 your.class

It's for this reason I changed how this is handled in 6.5.2. However,
because I haven't got 1.1.7 on my development machine (I reinstalled it
recently) I haven't had chance to rebuild the jdbc6.5-1.1.jar file. The
jdbc6.5-1.2.jar file is the new version however.

> Urgent please.

Tip, although I shouldn't say this (as it's against the works internet
policy, but then I police it anyhow :-) ), cc my work's email address:


That way, I can catch the emails from both here and at work.


> Thanks in advacnce.
> Soundar.
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       Peter T Mount peter@retep.org.uk
      Main Homepage: http://www.retep.org.uk
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