Обсуждение: Problem in pg_hba.conf


Problem in pg_hba.conf

"Mark Alliban"
I have just installed PostgreSQL on SCO OpenServer 5.05 but I am having problems creating a database. My pg_hba.conf file reads:
local        all                                         trust
host         all   trust

When I try to create a database, I get:
Postgres$ createdb test
Connection to database 'template1' failed.
No pg_hba.conf entry for host localhost, user postgres, database template1
createdb: database creation failed on test.
Is there a problem with my pg_hba.conf file, or is it another problem?

Re: [GENERAL] Problem in pg_hba.conf

Marcin Mazurek - Multinet SA - Poznan
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Mark Alliban wrote:
> Postgres$ createdb test
> Connection to database 'template1' failed.
You just don't have "default" database.

Re: Problem in pg_hba.conf

Mark Dalphin

On  Mon, 13 Dec 1999 10:36:02 -0000, "Mark Alliban" <MarkA@idnltd.com> wrote:

> I have just installed PostgreSQL on SCO OpenServer 5.05 but I am having =
> problems creating a database. My pg_hba.conf file reads:
> local        all                                         trust
> host         all   trust
> When I try to create a database, I get:
> Postgres$ createdb test
> Connection to database 'template1' failed.
> No pg_hba.conf entry for host localhost, user postgres, database =
> template1
> createdb: database creation failed on test.

I look forward to resolution of this problem for I have it too, under special

I run PostgreSQL 6.5.3 on an SGI, running Irix 6.5.  The processor is 64-bit,
but as most the the applications were written for a 32-bit world, SGI supplies a

"compatibility" mode in the compiler which compiles for a 32-bit machine (ie "cc

-n32").  This is what is currently used for creating PostgreSQL under Irix.  For

many reasons, I would like to compile in 64-bit mode ("cc -64"), including that
I have files longer than 4 gigabytes and need to work with the file offsets
(postgreSQL int8 is fine, but Perl is linked to the 32-bit fseek() and it chokes

on the numbers; re-compiling Perl in 64-bit mode is fine, then re-compiling DBI
in 64-bit is fine, but then linking to postgres compiled in 32-bit mode is not
fine.  But I digress...)

When I compile posgresql 6.5.3 in 64-bit mode, I get a clean compile and link.
But when I run it, I get this identical error.  This is using the exact same
setup as I use for the 32-bit compiled postgres. I went so far as to make a
complete removal of the postgres source dir and re-untar, etc to make certain
that the problem was not with some old part lying around. It wasn't. (Also there

was no overlap of old libraries, etc; they were all removed. I used the same
pg_hba.conf for all the tests.).  No amount of playing with pg_hba.conf can make

it work, but removing it caused postgres (64-bit) to complain of its

Any ideas of what might be breaking Postgres when it works with 64-bit numbers
during authentication?


Mark Dalphin                          email: mdalphin@amgen.com
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