Обсуждение: Fw: [GENERAL] Future of PostgreSQL


Fw: [GENERAL] Future of PostgreSQL

"Nikolay Mijaylov"
The reboots are for hardware upgrades!
"www.nmmm.nu"; <nmmm@nmmm.nu>
----- Original Message -----
Sent: понеделник, Декември 27, 1999 03:27
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Future of PostgreSQL

First of all:
Merry XMas and Happy new Year.
Let i tell what i do not like in PGSQL
1. Online error submit form. Take a look at PHP error submit form.
2. Large objects. You cant dump/restore them. Every LO is represented by 2 "two" files. In one moment all running out of control.
3. It would be nice to have large objects thats are represented by standard OS/FS files. (There are some words about this in manual)
4. Create table transactions:
begin work;
create table ppl(name int2);
bla bla;
commit work;
this SQL create empty, zero len file into db directory.
after this you cannot table with name like this,
nor you cannot drop it. (only way is to go to delete this file in db dir)
5. Nested SQL in parts different than "where" clause.
What i think we (you, they) do not need to make
1. XML support. Are someone know what is XML????
Yes it is modern, but I do not think that it must be used as
buffer between everything (like db and client).
XML is nothing more this:
<person name="gogo" email="gogo@nmmm.nu"></person>
<person name="pepi" email="pepi@nmmm.nu"></person>
Does we need to integrate this into the db, like Oracle or
MsSQL? I do not think SO!!!!!
What Oracle did:
WWW client
web server
 |          sql
program ------------> db
 ^                     |
 |                     |
 +-xml lib,<--- xml ---+
      often java
I think all this ar bulsheet:)
I use technology like this
cgi ------ www server --------- www client
I;m sure more of us are using something simillar.
and Its faster and clean.
May be we need a tool for convert an XML into SQL, so we
be able to use:
cat db.xml | xml2sql | psql
Like this? And this:
pgdump db | sql2xml > db.xml
I have a technology to write this if we are interested,
and to include this in contribution.
2. Oracle / Informix compatibility????? Hey there are standards !!!!!!
lets first make PG full ANSI SQL 92+++ compatible. :)
Dont think that Oracle maniacs will join us, if PG is Oracle compatible.
There i;ve a colegue, that i told her that Postgres is 1000% enought for
our work (power web development with databases 10MB - 100 MB)
and she always told me that she want oracle because she want to
learn SQL.
This is the situation for lamers: Oracle = SQL.
Happy XMAS again
Happy new Year
Postgres still is the best :)
Nikolay Mijaylov.
The reboots are for hardware upgrades!
"http://www.nmmm.nu; <nmmm@nmmm.nu>