Обсуждение: to SQL or not?


to SQL or not?

"Paul Rudolf"
Hello folks!

I have been working with a client that has the need to access a large
database via web form query.  The current database is just over 1 Gbyte,
with about 1 M records.  Each record contains approx 200 fields, and the
query form may submit up to 50 fields for search.  We expect the database to
grow significantly over the next 2 years, possibly growing to well over 5

We're trying to find someone that has had some experience doing something
similar.  We need to evaluate equipment requirements, software needs, and
some idea of the system impact and speed we could expect from this sort
structure. We plan to keep the system on some sort of UNIX, but NT is not
totally out of the question.

Please respond to mailto:paul@ntyc.net

Thank you

Paul Rudolf

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