Обсуждение: Creating new user in vers 7.02 and pgaccess


Creating new user in vers 7.02 and pgaccess

Bill Barnes
Hello the List:

Connected to template1 as user 'postgres'.
Creating a new user reported an error in SQL parsing.
Found that I could create a new user by omitting any password.
Was able to edit that new user to super user privileges.
Attempting to add a password again reported the query parsing error.

Can login to template1 with the non-passworded new user.

Thanks for your help.

Bill Barnes

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Re: Creating new user in vers 7.02 and pgaccess

Peter Eisentraut
On Fri, 26 May 2000, Bill Barnes wrote:

> Connected to template1 as user 'postgres'.
> Creating a new user reported an error in SQL parsing.
> Found that I could create a new user by omitting any password.
> Was able to edit that new user to super user privileges.
> Attempting to add a password again reported the query parsing error.

You need to write CREATE USER name WITH PASSWORD 'password here'. Note the
single quotes, that has changed. pgaccess hasn't caught up with that yet
but it will be okay in the 7.0.1 release.

Peter Eisentraut                  Sernanders väg 10:115
peter_e@gmx.net                   75262 Uppsala
http://yi.org/peter-e/            Sweden