Обсуждение: Re[2]: Interface Question


Re[2]: Interface Question

"Kurt Miller"
More specifically:

Can this be done without having Postgres installed on the client?
Can one install only the client?


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Interface Question
Author:  Charles Tassell <ctassell@isn.net> at ccmgate
Date:    6/28/2000 10:44 PM

All of the different interfaces have there own way of specifying the host
to connect to (eg, with pgsql it's "pgsql -h hostname databasename")  You
also have to setup the pg_hba.conf file in your PGDATA directory
(/usr/local/pgsql/data on my machine) to allow access from the remote
machine.  Usually adding this line will do the trick:

host         all        REMOTE.IP.ADDR.ESS

You will have to specify a username/password to connect from that machine,
however (use the -u option of pgsql, ie: pgsql -u -h remote.ip.addr.ess
dbname.)  If you don't care quite so much about security, you can use
"trust" or "ident" instead of crypt.  The pg_hba.conf man page and the file
itself provides good documentation.

At 03:18 PM 6/28/00, kurt miller wrote:
>How would I connect a Unix client (perl,psql,etc.) on one machine to a
>Unix postgres backend on another machine?
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Re[2]: Interface Question

Charles Tassell
This is one of the pains about the Postgres build process: You can't build
JUST the clients, you have to compile the whole server, and then you can
just use the client libraries without having the postmaster running on the
client machine.  I think if you install via RPM's instead of compiling the
sources yourself there is a package with just the client libraries, but I
don't use RPM's.  Either way, the only drawback to installing the full set
of programs is the space they use and the extra time it takes to build.

At 11:15 AM 7/5/00, Kurt Miller wrote:
>More specifically:
>Can this be done without having Postgres installed on the client?
>Can one install only the client?
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Interface Question
>Author:  Charles Tassell <ctassell@isn.net> at ccmgate
>Date:    6/28/2000 10:44 PM
>All of the different interfaces have there own way of specifying the host
>to connect to (eg, with pgsql it's "pgsql -h hostname databasename")  You
>also have to setup the pg_hba.conf file in your PGDATA directory
>(/usr/local/pgsql/data on my machine) to allow access from the remote
>machine.  Usually adding this line will do the trick:
>host         all        REMOTE.IP.ADDR.ESS
>You will have to specify a username/password to connect from that machine,
>however (use the -u option of pgsql, ie: pgsql -u -h remote.ip.addr.ess
>dbname.)  If you don't care quite so much about security, you can use
>"trust" or "ident" instead of crypt.  The pg_hba.conf man page and the file
>itself provides good documentation.
>At 03:18 PM 6/28/00, kurt miller wrote:
> >How would I connect a Unix client (perl,psql,etc.) on one machine to a
> >Unix postgres backend on another machine?
> >________________________________________________________________________
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