Обсуждение: psotgresql history function


psotgresql history function

Peter Mittermayer

I compiled and installed PostgreSQL v7.0.2 on a Linux box where the
history function in psql (cursor up/down) worked without any
problems. After
that I recompiled the package on a Digital Unix 4.0d machine. But
there it is not working! Is there something I have to configure? I
tried to use several terminal emulations (vt100, xterm) which did
not work out.

Any suggestions??



Re: psotgresql history function

Charles Tassell
The problem is probably that the Digital Unix machine is missing the
readline library, or that Postgres's configure script can't find it.  You
can download the readline library from ftp.gnu.org (I think it's in
pub/gnu/readline if memory serves me correctly)  Compile and install
readline, then recompile and install Postgres.  You probably should delete
and then reinstall the Postgres sources before rebuilding, so it won't
attempt to use any cached config settings. I think you can just get away
with deleting config.cache, but I honestly can't remember.

At 02:45 PM 7/5/00, Peter Mittermayer wrote:
>I compiled and installed PostgreSQL v7.0.2 on a Linux box where the
>history function in psql (cursor up/down) worked without any
>problems. After
>that I recompiled the package on a Digital Unix 4.0d machine. But
>there it is not working! Is there something I have to configure? I
>tried to use several terminal emulations (vt100, xterm) which did
>not work out.
>Any suggestions??

Re: psotgresql history function

Merlijn van der Mee
I had that same problem on Solaris, Irix and HP-unix.

It seems that Linux is the only platform that has a nice history
in psql.


Peter Mittermayer wrote:
> Hi,
> I compiled and installed PostgreSQL v7.0.2 on a Linux box where the
> history function in psql (cursor up/down) worked without any
> problems. After
> that I recompiled the package on a Digital Unix 4.0d machine. But
> there it is not working! Is there something I have to configure? I
> tried to use several terminal emulations (vt100, xterm) which did
> not work out.
> Any suggestions??
> TIA,
> Peter

Merlijn van der Mee - Bioinformatician
Academic Medical Centre - Amsterdam
Bioinformatics Laboratory
Email: M.vanderMee@amc.uva.nl tel. +31-20-5668601
Version: 3.1
GCS d- s+:- a- C+++ UL++ P++++ L+++ E---- W++ N o-- K- w---
O M-- V-- PS+++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X- R+ tv-- b+ DI-- D++
G e* h- r--- y?

Re: Re: psotgresql history function

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Merlijn van der Mee wrote:

> I had that same problem on Solaris, Irix and HP-unix.
> It seems that Linux is the only platform that has a nice history
> in psql.

No, you need to get the GNU readline library to get that functionality.
Then you'll have to rebuild Postgres (the configure script should properly
detect whether or not readline is available).

Brett W. McCoy
Consider well the proportions of things.  It is better to be a young June-bug
than an old bird of paradise.
        -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

Problems with insert

Carsten Zerbst

I do a lot of a inserttion porting data from a legacy system to
While inserting data, two problems occure:

1. The insertion could be fast, if I'd switch off autocommit. In
adabastcl I have the commands to do this. Is something like this
possible via sql, psql oder the tcl-extension ? I usually use psql to
insert data from a file, but a tcl solution would help to.

2. When inserting or extracting many data within short time, the speed
decreases. In Tcl I do now delete all handles, but this didn't help
either. Any hints how to get a continous speed ?

Bye, Carsten

Dipl. Ing. Carsten Zerbst         |   See the results of the
                                  |   1. European Tcl User Meeting !
zerbst@tu-harburg.de              |
http://www.tu-harburg.de/~skfcz   |   http://www.tu-harburg.de/skf/tcltk